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Icom ID-800H usage

The following procedures can be used to setup MyCall, YourCall, Rpt1Call, & Rpt2Call callsigns in the ID-800H (radios with v2.0 or later firmware), and to use those values when operating or whan programming frequency memory positions in the ID-800H.

When the instructions below say "press & hold" below, that means press & hold the button for at least one second; all other "press"es are momentary. Note that in several places where the ID-800H manual says to "press" a button, you must instead "press & hold" the button. This includes any place where you enter or edit a callsign or other text: You must press & hold the BAND/MODE button to both start & end entry or editing of a callsign.

When you press SET, then select CALLS, then select:

Note that a common r01 thru r54 list is used for both Rpt1Call & Rpt2Call values. The distinction comes when you select (use) one of the values for Rpt1Call or Rpt2Call (below).

Using the MyCall list

While the ID-800H manual documents how to create additional MyCall values, earlier versions of the manual do not explain how to select one for use (other than the default at M01):

  1. Press SET, then select CALLS, then select MyCall.
  2. Twist the dial to select the desired callsign memory location, M01M06. The M will be flashing.
  3. Press & hold the SET/LOCK button; the M should stop flashing. This is an undocumented feature that is essential to know. (Note that pressing & holding the S.MW/MW button transfers the callsign in the opposite direction, from the currently selected MyCall to the currently displayed MyCall. This is not normally what you want.)

Using the YourCall, Rpt1Call, & Rpt2Call lists

First of all, in all of the following examples for programming a callsign list or a frequency memory position, your radio MUST, MUST, MUST be in VFO mode.

In order to use the YourCall, Rpt1Call, & Rpt2Call lists, or to program a particular combination into a frequency memory position:

  1. Set up the radio in VFO mode with all of the other stuff you want (frequency, offset, digital squelch, power level, etc). If you want to modify the programming of a previously programmed frequency memory position:
    1. Select that frequency memory position; and then
    2. Copy it to the VFO by pressing & holding the S.MW/MW button.
  2. To use a particular YourCall, press SET, then select CALLS, then select YourCall. You must enter the desired callsign into the YourCall list scratchpad in one of two ways:
  3. To use a particular RPTn_C value, press SET, then select CALLS, then select RPT1_C or RPT2_C. You must enter the desired repeater callsign into the RPTn_C list scratchpad in one of two ways:
  4. Now press the MONI button to get back to the main screen.
  5. If you wish to save your current settings into a frequency memory position, now press the S.MW/MW button and follow the normal (documented in the manual) procedure to save everything into a frequency memory position. If you have previously set an alphanumeric ID to display instead of the frequency, you may have to set that again (this little idiosyncrasy is not unique to the ID-800H or even Icom radios).

Note that all U01U99 & r01r54 list callsigns that are referenced (saved) in a frequency memory position, are marked in the appropriate list with a reverse-video M, indicating that the callsign is used by some frequency memory position.

If you want to change a callsign in the YourCall or RPTn_C list, such that you change it for ALL frequency memory positions that reference it (eg, the repeater has changed its callsign or suffix), go to VFO mode and edit the entry in the appropriate list. Note that when you press & hold the BAND/MODE button to save the changes, you will see MR* momentarily on the screen, indicating that you are also changing the value for frequency memory positions.

Moving callsigns in the YourCall list

The following technique may be used to rearrange callsigns in the YourCall list. Caveat: Moving callsigns in the YourCall list that are referenced in a frequency memory position, will cause the association to be lost.

  1. Select a callsign in the YourCall list that you wish to move.
  2. Copy it to the YourCall list scratchpad by pressing & holding the SET/LOCK button.
  3. Select a location in the YourCall list that you wish to receive the callsign.
  4. Copy the callsign from the YourCall list scratchpad to the new list location by pressing & holding the S.MW/MW button.

Without the capability provided by the SET/LOCK button above, flexible mobile use is not very feasible, and earlier versions of the ID-800H manual give no hint that pressing (never mind holding) the SET/LOCK button was to be used for these functions.

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If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the AE7Q message board. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application process. I've created a message board,where I and others have publicly answered very common questions, so that we don't have to repeatedly answer them, particularly in private communications.

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