| Dean Gibson's |
I provide the following amateur radio software free of charge. Note that some of these are licensed under the GNU GPL (General Public License), which means that if you distribute these programs (modified or not) or incorporate any part of them into another application and then distribute it, in effect you must also release all source code (including your changes) for the entire application at no charge, under the same GPL license. One purpose in making this source code available under the GPL is that you may benefit from my code, and that I (and others) may benefit from your changes. No warranty is expressed or implied. The AX.25 Packet radio programs use AGWPE for the actual AX.25 communication (either by a sound card, or an actual TNC), and thus require Microsoft Windows. The D-Star programs should run on either Microsoft Windows or Linux.
Radio2csv is a simple command-line-based program for the exchange of common data between D-Star radios. For more information, including a description of features, & download information, see the Radio2csv web page.
D-StarLet is a web-based text messaging application using D-Star digital data technology. For more information, including a description of features, a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, & download information, see the D-StarLet web page.
D-StarTerm is a stand-alone Java Amateur Radio monitor & terminal program using ICOM's D-Star digital data technology, packaged in a DStarTerm.zip file containing the application .JAR (Java Archive). This program is under development (feature incomplete), but appears to work. You will need Sun Microsystems' Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.5 or later (about 85 MB of disk space), installed on either Win 98SE or higher, a recent Linux/Unix system, or Apple's Mac OS 10.1 or later.
PackLet is a text messaging application using AX.25 packet radio technology. For more information, including a description of features, a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, & download information, see the PackLet web page.
PackTerm is a stand-alone Java Amateur Radio monitor & terminal program using AX.25 packet radio technology, packaged in a PackTerm.zip file containing the application .JAR (Java Archive). This program is under development (feature incomplete), but appears to work. You will need Sun Microsystems' Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.5 or later (about 85 MB of disk space), installed on Win 98SE or higher.