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AE7Q Query Tools for Handhelds
Latest sequential USA callsign assignments
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by group.
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by region.
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by state.
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by grant month.
  • Click on a Callsign Region to show expired, canceled, and available 1x2 & 2x1 callsigns in that region.
  • Click on a column heading hyperlink for an explanation of that column.

Latest sequential USA callsign assignments
StatesGroup A
(1x2, 2x1, 2x2)
Group B
Group C
Group D
Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date
US/1CT , MA , ME , NH , RI , VT AC1TJ2024-12-27KE1MU2023-01-20KC1VYY2024-12-31
US/2NJ , NY AD2JK2024-12-11KG2SF2023-05-31KE2EWQ2024-12-31
US/3DC , DE , MD , PA AC3NS2024-12-30KF3EW2024-04-23KD3AJU2024-12-31
US/4AL , FL , GA , KY , NC , SC , TN , VA AK4ZZ2012-12-08KZ4PG2024-12-31KR4ACY2024-12-31
US/5AR , LA , MS , NM , OK , TX AI5US2024-12-31KM5ZO2022-03-03KJ5JMV2024-12-31
US/6CA AK6KO2024-12-23KR6GJ2023-06-28KO6HJC2024-12-31
US/7AZ , ID , MT , NV , OR , UT , WA , WY AJ7BQ2024-12-30KK7ZU2022-09-30KK7YJD2024-12-31
US/8MI , OH , WV AD8OM2024-12-16KI8LA2021-10-06KF8DBB2024-12-31
US/9IL , IN , WI AD9FW2024-12-18KG9RK2019-11-13KE9CFU2024-12-31
US/10CO , IA , KS , MN , MO , ND , NE , SD AF0BP2024-12-16KI0TP2024-01-09KF0SUU2024-12-31
State / TerritoryGroup A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date Callsign Grant Date
US/11AK - AlaskaKL0G2024-12-27AL7RY2009-08-19KL5WE2024-12-21WL7CYS2024-11-23
US/12PR - Puerto RicoWP3Y2004-07-16KP3DL2023-10-31WP4HA2005-03-01WP4TOB2024-12-17
US/12VI - Virgin IslandsKP2DB2022-11-30NP2VE2024-06-22WP2AJT2023-12-01
US/13AS - American SamoaKH8E2015-07-10KH8DW2015-10-07WH8ABN2020-05-29
US/13GU - GuamAH2EM2023-05-03NH2OG2024-12-17WH2AON2020-06-01
US/13HI - HawaiiAH6WJ2024-11-07WH7ZZ2010-03-22WH6HCX2024-12-27
US/13MP - Northern Mariana IslandsWH0Z2006-06-16AH0CY2020-09-11NH0DC2024-10-01WH0ACL2021-05-26

USA amateur licenses by group
  • The counts are of active (or expired but within the renewal two year grace period) USA licenses.

Operator class USA amateur licenses by group
Group AGroup BGroup CGroup D
Amateur Extra4160 146119348 1151419667 39788514 678215822 26683683 34840890 3649
Advanced2 1 10456 11608185 2450144 2711657 316
General1 1 1 312 8324359 368121649 402131294 8460
Technician 11 423089 269583218 266357630 12077
Novice 23 4 6227 77
Clubs302 1046 481 1892 1153542 45606 892314 1545

USA amateur licenses by geographic region
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by state.
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by grant month.
  • Click on a Geo Region to show expired, canceled, and available 1x2 & 2x1 USA callsigns in that region.
  • Click on a column heading hyperlink for an explanation of that column.
  • The counts are of active (or expired but within the renewal two year grace period) USA licenses.

USA amateur licenses by geographic region
State(s) / Territory Amateur
US/1CT , MA , ME , NH , RI , VT 9018 (23%)1788 (5%)9896 (25%)0 (0%)16949 (44%)418 (1%)758 (2%)38827
US/2NJ , NY 9571 (22%)2150 (5%)10789 (25%)0 (0%)20033 (46%)638 (1%)765 (2%)43946
US/3DC , DE , MD , PA 9409 (23%)2032 (5%)10533 (25%)0 (0%)18541 (45%)418 (1%)668 (2%)41601
US/4AL , FL , GA , KY , NC , SC , TN , VA 38681 (22%)7974 (5%)45827 (26%)0 (0%)81003 (46%)1260 (1%)2418 (1%)177163
US/5AR , LA , MS , NM , OK , TX 20231 (20%)4014 (4%)24442 (24%)0 (0%)49465 (49%)499 (0%)1400 (1%)100051
US/6CA 16523 (15%)3587 (3%)20820 (19%)0 (0%)65107 (60%)728 (1%)1454 (1%)108219
US/7AZ , ID , MT , NV , OR , UT , WA , WY 22031 (16%)4199 (3%)30026 (22%)0 (0%)75790 (57%)569 (0%)1509 (1%)134124
US/8MI , OH , WV 12876 (21%)2593 (4%)15360 (25%)0 (0%)28334 (47%)562 (1%)924 (2%)60649
US/9IL , IN , WI 10850 (21%)2385 (5%)13656 (27%)0 (0%)23186 (45%)540 (1%)852 (2%)51469
US/10CO , IA , KS , MN , MO , ND , NE , SD 14886 (20%)3165 (4%)18434 (25%)0 (0%)37020 (49%)503 (1%)1068 (1%)75076
US/11AK 714 (20%)150 (4%)961 (26%)0 (0%)1742 (48%)17 (0%)73 (2%)3657
US/12PR , VI 831 (14%)197 (3%)1364 (22%)0 (0%)3433 (56%)130 (2%)155 (3%)6110
US/13AS , GU , HI , MP 955 (20%)159 (3%)905 (19%)0 (0%)2472 (53%)30 (1%)164 (4%)4685
US/AA , AE , AP , FM , MH , PW , UM 73 (21%)5 (1%)64 (18%)0 (0%)169 (48%)1 (0%)41 (12%)353
Totals166649 (20%)34398 (4%)203077 (24%)0 (0%)423244 (50%)6313 (1%)12249 (1%)845930

USA amateur licenses by state or territory
  • Scroll down to show USA amateur licenses by grant month.
  • Click on a Geo Region to show expired, canceled, and available 1x2 & 2x1 USA callsigns in that region.
  • Click on a column heading hyperlink for an explanation of that column.
  • The counts are of active (or expired but within the renewal two year grace period) USA licenses.

USA amateur licenses by state or territory
State or Territory Geo
AA - Armed Forces AmericasUS/1 (33%)0 (0%)1 (33%)0 (0%)1 (33%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3
AE - Armed Forces EuropeUS/47 (26%)3 (2%)43 (24%)0 (0%)85 (47%)1 (1%)0 (0%)179
AK - AlaskaUS/11714 (20%)150 (4%)961 (26%)0 (0%)1742 (48%)17 (0%)73 (2%)3657
AL - AlabamaUS/43124 (23%)558 (4%)3477 (25%)0 (0%)6243 (46%)71 (1%)241 (2%)13714
AP - Armed Forces PacificUS/25 (19%)2 (2%)20 (15%)0 (0%)83 (63%)0 (0%)1 (1%)131
AR - ArkansasUS/51750 (19%)337 (4%)2175 (24%)0 (0%)4704 (51%)41 (0%)139 (2%)9146
AS - American SamoaUS/1310 (50%)1 (5%)4 (20%)0 (0%)2 (10%)0 (0%)3 (15%)20
AZ - ArizonaUS/74883 (20%)1054 (4%)5528 (23%)0 (0%)12426 (51%)117 (0%)254 (1%)24262
CA - CaliforniaUS/616523 (15%)3587 (3%)20820 (19%)0 (0%)65107 (60%)728 (1%)1454 (1%)108219
CO - ColoradoUS/103997 (18%)729 (3%)4874 (22%)0 (0%)11799 (54%)101 (0%)221 (1%)21721
CT - ConnecticutUS/11768 (22%)405 (5%)2037 (25%)0 (0%)3547 (44%)127 (2%)165 (2%)8049
DC - District of ColumbiaUS/3128 (22%)21 (4%)128 (22%)0 (0%)287 (49%)4 (1%)12 (2%)580
DE - DelawareUS/3445 (22%)89 (4%)556 (27%)0 (0%)880 (43%)20 (1%)35 (2%)2025
FL - FloridaUS/410783 (22%)2687 (6%)13025 (27%)0 (0%)20913 (43%)467 (1%)588 (1%)48463
GA - GeorgiaUS/44438 (21%)887 (4%)5417 (26%)0 (0%)9966 (47%)119 (1%)384 (2%)21211
GU - GuamUS/13104 (37%)8 (3%)51 (18%)0 (0%)107 (38%)1 (0%)11 (4%)282
HI - HawaiiUS/13715 (18%)149 (4%)811 (20%)0 (0%)2228 (55%)29 (1%)132 (3%)4064
IA - IowaUS/101595 (22%)411 (6%)1815 (25%)0 (0%)3315 (45%)60 (1%)111 (2%)7307
ID - IdahoUS/71776 (15%)257 (2%)2789 (23%)0 (0%)7221 (59%)30 (0%)92 (1%)12165
IL - IllinoisUS/94658 (22%)1041 (5%)5661 (26%)0 (0%)9532 (44%)270 (1%)343 (2%)21505
IN - IndianaUS/93431 (20%)747 (4%)4508 (26%)0 (0%)8199 (47%)172 (1%)297 (2%)17354
KS - KansasUS/101653 (20%)307 (4%)2105 (26%)0 (0%)3830 (47%)73 (1%)131 (2%)8099
KY - KentuckyUS/42193 (20%)421 (4%)2835 (26%)0 (0%)5256 (48%)77 (1%)149 (1%)10931
LA - LouisianaUS/51452 (21%)349 (5%)1866 (27%)0 (0%)2937 (43%)62 (1%)148 (2%)6814
MA - MassachusettsUS/13466 (23%)681 (5%)3725 (25%)0 (0%)6512 (44%)164 (1%)263 (2%)14811
MD - MarylandUS/32838 (23%)565 (5%)3020 (25%)0 (0%)5407 (45%)106 (1%)182 (2%)12118
ME - MaineUS/11196 (24%)221 (4%)1375 (27%)0 (0%)2133 (42%)38 (1%)94 (2%)5057
MI - MichiganUS/84974 (21%)1042 (4%)5784 (25%)0 (0%)11047 (47%)184 (1%)349 (1%)23380
MN - MinnesotaUS/102654 (21%)622 (5%)3229 (25%)0 (0%)5881 (46%)112 (1%)183 (1%)12681
MO - MissouriUS/103312 (19%)670 (4%)4226 (25%)0 (0%)8426 (50%)100 (1%)262 (2%)16996
MP - Northern Mariana IslandsUS/13126 (39%)1 (0%)39 (12%)0 (0%)135 (42%)0 (0%)18 (6%)319
MS - MississippiUS/51339 (24%)239 (4%)1471 (26%)0 (0%)2431 (43%)24 (0%)125 (2%)5629
MT - MontanaUS/7903 (18%)185 (4%)1283 (26%)0 (0%)2485 (50%)29 (1%)61 (1%)4946
NC - North CarolinaUS/45623 (22%)1057 (4%)6556 (26%)0 (0%)11932 (47%)154 (1%)329 (1%)25651
ND - North DakotaUS/10330 (19%)65 (4%)452 (26%)0 (0%)828 (48%)11 (1%)49 (3%)1735
NE - NebraskaUS/10806 (19%)242 (6%)1091 (26%)0 (0%)1916 (46%)29 (1%)78 (2%)4162
NH - New HampshireUS/11571 (25%)277 (4%)1652 (26%)0 (0%)2743 (43%)52 (1%)116 (2%)6411
NJ - New JerseyUS/23256 (22%)740 (5%)3472 (24%)0 (0%)6669 (46%)212 (1%)274 (2%)14623
NM - New MexicoUS/51420 (20%)284 (4%)1601 (23%)0 (0%)3630 (51%)26 (0%)125 (2%)7086
NV - NevadaUS/71691 (18%)339 (4%)2036 (22%)0 (0%)5054 (55%)39 (0%)111 (1%)9270
NY - New YorkUS/26315 (22%)1410 (5%)7317 (25%)0 (0%)13364 (46%)426 (1%)491 (2%)29323
OH - OhioUS/86529 (21%)1338 (4%)7986 (26%)0 (0%)13792 (45%)334 (1%)502 (2%)30481
OK - OklahomaUS/52135 (19%)399 (4%)2764 (25%)0 (0%)5690 (51%)46 (0%)151 (1%)11185
OR - OregonUS/73855 (17%)734 (3%)5352 (23%)0 (0%)12416 (54%)104 (0%)338 (1%)22799
PA - PennsylvaniaUS/35998 (22%)1357 (5%)6829 (25%)0 (0%)11967 (45%)288 (1%)439 (2%)26878
PR - Puerto RicoUS/12774 (13%)186 (3%)1289 (22%)0 (0%)3304 (57%)130 (2%)131 (2%)5814
RI - Rhode IslandUS/1484 (23%)97 (5%)537 (25%)0 (0%)931 (44%)22 (1%)64 (3%)2135
SC - South CarolinaUS/42578 (22%)510 (4%)2984 (26%)0 (0%)5391 (46%)65 (1%)156 (1%)11684
SD - South DakotaUS/10539 (23%)119 (5%)642 (27%)0 (0%)1025 (43%)17 (1%)33 (1%)2375
TN - TennesseeUS/44770 (21%)878 (4%)5741 (26%)0 (0%)10698 (48%)120 (1%)275 (1%)22482
TX - TexasUS/512135 (20%)2406 (4%)14565 (24%)0 (0%)30073 (50%)300 (0%)712 (1%)60191
UT - UtahUS/72304 (11%)320 (2%)3547 (17%)0 (0%)14207 (69%)37 (0%)120 (1%)20535
VA - VirginiaUS/45172 (22%)976 (4%)5792 (25%)0 (0%)10604 (46%)187 (1%)296 (1%)23027
VI - Virgin IslandsUS/1257 (19%)11 (4%)75 (25%)0 (0%)129 (44%)0 (0%)24 (8%)296
VT - VermontUS/1533 (23%)107 (5%)570 (24%)0 (0%)1083 (46%)15 (1%)56 (2%)2364
WA - WashingtonUS/76103 (16%)1198 (3%)8765 (23%)0 (0%)20833 (55%)202 (1%)497 (1%)37598
WI - WisconsinUS/92761 (22%)597 (5%)3487 (28%)0 (0%)5455 (43%)98 (1%)212 (2%)12610
WV - West VirginiaUS/81373 (20%)213 (3%)1590 (23%)0 (0%)3495 (51%)44 (1%)73 (1%)6788
WY - WyomingUS/7516 (20%)112 (4%)726 (28%)0 (0%)1148 (45%)11 (0%)36 (1%)2549
- US/0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)40 (100%)40
Totals166649 (20%)34398 (4%)203077 (24%)0 (0%)423244 (50%)6313 (1%)12249 (1%)845930

USA amateur licenses by grant date
  • Click on a Month to show the ULS application processing calendar for that month.
  • The counts are of active (or expired but within the renewal two year grace period) USA licenses.

USA amateur licenses by grant date
Month Amateur
December 1969 0000004040
December 2024 106717713060359128736242
November 2024 109118615190396927526844
October 2024 123722216560388125747095
September 2024 106017113220273921875400
August 2024 120322815270307622876143
July 2024 125424114600288818685929
June 2024 118919014980323116776201
May 2024 125820314840320624466221
April 2024 145623417780384621827417
March 2024 161428819850414320918141
February 2024 151423517380356515767143
January 2024 1729280182003122161037070
December 2023 12101741312024779535235
November 2023 116519012640267710605366
October 2023 118319813140231114675087
September 2023 132521713260247015625415
August 2023 13942041364026377755681
July 2023 115615512020228710564866
June 2023 111812611780239813574890
May 2023 129613514460291313705873
April 2023 130716414650291213645925
March 2023 161320819010346318727275
February 2023 150718515710261018495940
January 2023 128015712650211913624896
December 2022 109314411400196911434400
November 2022 10291071205022338464628
October 2022 102810910270210813424327
September 2022 9631191105019336434169
August 2022 102110211110221610614521
July 2022 9651209850218813544325
June 2022 113713012980309310695737
May 2022 9829712950294410495377
April 2022 1480142178603371301196928
March 2022 143216316890346518976864
February 2022 154317216240297117836410
January 2022 136217013660253526555514
December 2021 94910011000219217434401
November 2021 89810212300260912544905
October 2021 100311812370257915635015
September 2021 96213412160254425694950
August 2021 147621516650355639947045
July 2021 120715413140260625725378
June 2021 113511012870257814585182
May 2021 105111912460266115765168
April 2021 146515017530369034757167
March 2021 169816322920489030799152
February 2021 133113618610415228847592
January 2021 137417218210337745806869
December 2020 126214615250266528825708
November 2020 101112412910264328785175
October 2020 125313714860305335786042
September 2020 136716916630325125866561
August 2020 110213412890287828795510
July 2020 149917415960301532666382
June 2020 1473147173703516311027006
May 2020 111510912580210730914710
April 2020 118013511490196139804544
March 2020 140416215270366135966885
February 2020 124314514440349437906453
January 2020 1176144137102817271175652
December 2019 1286201138802825461085854
November 2019 110513612730289533545496
October 2019 118315014340338933976286
September 2019 9779210940247191024745
August 2019 9488511290273419794994
July 2019 959116126402781351015256
June 2019 948128123002713301055154
May 2019 1280211151003290391216451
April 2019 1313232181003646551557211
March 2019 1409194169403599361447076
February 2019 1679253196803815521817948
January 2019 83416210520229956874490
December 2018 1180183124302400411185165
November 2018 1369268152003188591036507
October 2018 1378275171003308721156858
September 2018 1145234135802339431245243
August 2018 1175230134602532561195458
July 2018 122126614930289461946029
June 2018 1402405187903854851287753
May 2018 1423264170203778481317346
April 2018 1425347190603736551677636
March 2018 1534361186203734501507691
February 2018 1327325173203608611447197
January 2018 1569468181003008731197047
December 2017 1707492206603685861288164
November 2017 141644020390381993917898
October 2017 1435396179703259501177054
September 2017 114631512770223242905102
August 2017 1600483185603030851317185
July 2017 1438452146002522421116025
June 2017 1275379156303051641146446
May 2017 1473353195503532771707560
April 2017 1421283177303571641527264
March 2017 206049025790499710717210405
February 2017 1487318173903680901687482
January 2017 20194251945030771021927760
December 2016 18294251855033791121387738
November 2016 1833469195803393932047950
October 2016 1665310145802672511586314
September 2016 2145381148602764522317059
August 2016 2258250147002732561806946
July 2016 1173332146802743701035889
June 2016 15395531989037471021148044
May 2016 137933016840347439846990
April 2016 148933217520344266907171
March 2016 1560459215604562591178913
February 2016 119543918520363571887280
January 2016 14655162018032231171167455
December 2015 140246718840343297897371
November 2015 1124368166603433109746774
October 2015 1379404187503799791027638
September 2015 84824710690187330614128
August 2015 96624912750253046665132
July 2015 86723312020246644624874
June 2015 102725613350294948745689
May 2015 101529813830301560875858
April 2015 103729415360339851806396
March 2015 113334218160386384887326
February 2015 103134814530302381716007
January 2015 91638413250277672525525
December 2014 64728710270206065504136
November 2014 5292869490250071424377
October 2014 4152738370212773563781
September 2014 3752237130183865423256
August 2014 3862007210183966343246
July 2014 4622859190231695384115
June 2014 444292106203103109335043
May 2014 5002149050272954424444
April 2014 4602159040273638434396
March 2014 60134610500294072385047
February 2014 4542668300245755264088
January 2014 63234710910236083394552
December 2013 3841986750171636293038
November 2013 4252107530224039293696
October 2013 4132216750187830233240
September 2013 3911785280151320322662
August 2013 3331705160192025322996
July 2013 4572216780207432263488
June 2013 3361625250187533432974
May 2013 3531555660243043433590
April 2013 3471476600251648393757
March 2013 4131496520272035283997
February 2013 3381415780237435263492
January 2013 3551455670194144413093
December 2012 1827623206352131149
November 2012 135771850391113802
October 2012 114641260304252635
September 2012 10202005
August 2012 10201004
July 2012 10000001
June 2012 10003004
May 2012 40102007
April 2012 10001002
March 2012 31102007
February 2012 00201003
January 2012 10001002
December 2011 20200004
November 2011 00201003
October 2011 00101002
September 2011 30101005
August 2011 10202005
July 2011 11100003
June 2011 11102005
May 2011 40302009
April 2011 21301007
March 2011 22301008
February 2011 10201004
January 2011 00302005
December 2010 10004005
November 2010 20000002
September 2010 10100002
July 2010 10100002
June 2010 10000001
May 2010 10001002
March 2010 10001002
February 2010 10000001
January 2010 00100001
June 2009 00100001
January 2009 00001001
December 2008 00003003
October 2008 10000001
March 2008 00001001
February 2008 01000001
December 2007 10000001
November 2007 10000001
May 2007 11000002
March 2007 10000001
February 2007 00100001
January 2007 10000001
November 2006 00001001
October 2006 10100002
August 2006 10000001
January 2006 10001002
March 2005 00001001
February 2005 00100001
October 2004 10000001
August 2004 01000001
January 2004 01000001
November 2003 00101002
October 2003 00001001
April 2003 00100001
February 2002 00100001
October 2001 00001001
May 2001 00001001
May 2000 10000001
April 2000 10000001
May 1999 10000001
May 1997 00001001

I am not your vanity application private consultant! Private messages (regardless of whether you feel there is a special reason for your application) on these and associated topics will be ignored, rebuffed, and/or made public.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the
AE7Q message board. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application process. I've created a message board,where I and others have publicly answered very common questions, so that we don't have to repeatedly answer them, particularly in private communications.

Copyright © 2004-2021[-06-02 @ 08:49 UTC] by Dean K. Gibson ([1] on 2025-01-02 @ 12:40:36 UTC + 0.866). Privacy policy.