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Query tools (since 2003-2004)
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Amateur Radio Relay League FCC Universal Licensing System Powered by Amazon Web Services
Powered by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
Powered by phpBB Powered by PostgreSQL
AE7Q Query Tools for Handhelds

News & History

A magenta date indicates the detection, correction, or work-around of an FCC or ULS problem.
A red date indicates the correction of an AE7Q web site or database problem.
A blue date indicates an FCC action.
A green date indicates an AE7Q web site or database action.

• 2023-09-29: The backhoe of the neighboring construction site cut through my Internet fiber feed. Ziply ran 600' of new fiber & it was fixed in six hours.
• 2023-08-09: On Sunday morning, one of my database Linux backend servers failed. I ordered a used one on eBay for $49, which arrived ahead of time in perfect cosmetic condition. I just swapped the RAM & SSD drives, rebooted, & hoped for the best. The best happened, & my Linux backup server was back up & running, without any loss of data. No one probably noticed.
• 2023-05-26: From 2023-04-16 until 2023-05-26, the primary data servers were down, due to a move of the site from the state of Washington to Idaho. FCC data remains stale until the FCC posts its weekly update on Sunday, 2023-05-28.
• 2022-09-04: Unknowingly to me, DB server #2 lost connection to the master server (#3) & reported stale data. Fixed on 2022-09-12.
• 2022-07-07: Unknowingly to me, DB server #1 lost connection to the master server (#3) & reported stale data. Fixed on 2022-07-22.
• 2021-06-23: Because disk storage on AWS is so cheap, I've added the AWS web server back into the mix as an additional secondary (read-only) DB server. Having the AWS DB server as a secondary, & the primary server at home, avoids the network costs of shipping the large amount of synchronization data (including backups) between the three servers. AWS only charges for outgoing network traffic, which a secondary server does not have much of (in terms of synchronization data).
• 2021-06-21: To make a long story short, I have moved the primary database server from AWS to one of two lowly Dell Inspiron 3050 "Mini-Desktop" Linux servers at home, & configured the other Linux server as a secondary (read-only) DB server, in a load-sharing configuration.
• 2021-05-30: Early this year, Amazon Web Services (AWS) notified users of the database software I was using, that it was no longer supported. In January, 2022, if we do not voluntarily upgrade to a newer version, they would force an upgrade to a newer version. In March I attempted to upgrade the software, but the performance on some DB queries was unacceptable; some queries were taking more than two orders of magnitude longer than before. So, I delayed the upgrade until this week, when I had more time. This necessitated restructuring several of the DB queries, with the result that some of the fields being reported may temporarily be blank, or columns may be misaligned, until I find them all & fix them. If you find any fields that are still blank after today, please report them to me, preferably on the message board, or by eMail to '' (replace 'example' with my callsign).
• 2021-05-27: The format of one of the ULS database tables changed, & the FCC has not yet documented the change, causing FCC data to be rejected for a few hours, until I made temporary patches to the DB table definition.
• 2021-05-15: After several years of intermittently trying to upgrade the message board software (phpBB version 3.0.12), today I was finally able to upgrade it to 3.0.14. This fixed the bug in the prior version that prevented implementation of a scammer filter, whhich is now in effect. Hopefully it will be effective. For the past couple of days, the upgrade attempts (some futile, but finally successful) created intermittent message board access during the process. Some messages posted during that time were lost. Note that the currently supported vesions of phpBB are 3.2 & 3.3. Initial attempts to upgrade to 3.2 have been unsuccessful, & 3.3 is not supported on my recently-upgraded web server. However, I will keep trying occasionally, when I have the motivation (which is not often) & time.
• 2021-04-29: Some web server files were moved to a local server to save storage space on the main server. This meant that some web pages were unavailable for a couple days.
• 2021-03-17: The web server has been moved to a new server with an upgraded version of Linux & associated server software. This meant a number of configuration changes and web site & message board unavailability for a couple days.
• 2020-12-22: The format of one of the ULS database tables changed, & the FCC has not yet documented the change, causing FCC data to be rejected for a few hours, until made temporary patches to the DB table definition.
• 2020-10-04: The format of several of the ULS database tables changed on 2020-10-01, & the FCC did document the changes, albeit not without slightly corrupting the the database definition file. I waited until the weekly download (today) to implement the changes, which caused web site data to not be updated for several days.
• 2019-08-16: The format of one of the ULS database tables changed, & the FCC has not documented the change, causing all FCC data since 2019-08-13 to be rejected until late today.
• 2018-05-02: Over the past several weeks, the FCC data obtained from downloads & queries has been regularly late, missing, or corrupted, usually requiring manual intervention in order to provide accurate data here. I no longer have the time to report each of these events, as they are too numerous.
• 2018-04-25: An applicant for a vanity callsign, requested that I hide the availability of a callsign that he had canceled, so that other applicants would not see that it was available. The request was DENIED.
• 2017-06-21: Fixed handling of malformed vanity callsigns.
• 2017-03-31: The database for the web site & message board have been successfully moved to Amazon Web Services. The data for both was moved successfully, but the "Query tools main page" showed inconsistent file & query dates for FCC data for a day or two.
• 2017-03-23: This week, the web site & message board have been accidentally deleted each night during the nightly syncronization. This was a configuration issue and not the fault of Amazon, and is now fixed. This did not affect database integrity, but did affect database availability for a few hours, and the message board has lost most of the messages posted this week.
• 2017-03-17: The web site & message board (but not yet the database) have been moved to Amazon Web Services. This did not affect database availability for more than a couple hours, but the message board was offline for a couple days.
• 2017-01-03: On the very first working day of the new year, the FCC introduced erroneous data into their downloadable daily (and subsequently, weekly) files. This data contains erroneous FRN numbers that are affecting some callsign predictions and who knows what else. Discovered by two sharp-eyed observers on the message board. Resolution? Unknown as of yet.
• 2016-07-24: For the 2nd weekend in a row, the FCC weekly download file for amateur radio application data, has been less than 1/2 its normal size, due to several required record types again being missing. This time, the error was caught before it had time to corrupt this site's data. Additional steps have been taken by this site to automate detection of this FCC error, because apparently the FCC has no mechanism for doing so.
• 2016-07-17: The FCC weekly download file for amateur radio application data, is about 1/3 its normal size, due to several required record type files being missing. After installation on this site, the incomplete data caused extensive search failures and delays, until the prior week's data was reloaded (the FCC created a proper file the next morning).
• 2015-12-07: This day's application database update from the FCC contains data for a different (non-Amateur Radio) service. The data was automatically rejected.
• 2015-09-24: Discovered that the FCC 2015-09-20 weekly database download does not contain the Universal Licensing System actions and grants for 2015-09-19. As a result, all data on this site that depended on data from that download, was suspect until the next weekly database download.
• 2015-09-16: Removed the test for unpaid vanity applications submitted after 2015-09-01.
• 2015-09-15: The FCC resumed granting vanity callsigns.
• 2015-09-01: The FCC Universal Licensing System was unavailable after 23:59:59 EDT Tuesday, 2015-09-01 until 08:00:00 EDT Thursday, 2015-09-10, due to "Information Technology upgrades and improvements". The fee for vanity callsign licensing & renewals was eliminated as part of this action.
• 2015-04-20: Removed the entire repeater database, because it was obsolete and updates were no longer available. There are now better choices available on the Internet.
• 2015-04-09: Updated links to the recently moved FCC ULS glossary web page.
• 2014-12-03: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2014-11-26: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, and a confirmation eMail is received from the FCC, but no download eMail is ever received.
• 2014-08-31: Improved the accuracy of the calculated "Code Proficiency" field.
• 2014-07-03: Donated the two Dell PowerEdge DB servers (#4 & #5) to the Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management for use with the Snohomish County Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS). This will save this site about $50 per month in electricity costs.
• 2014-04-26: Moved the web site to
• 2014-04-01: Merged the web site into this web site.
• 2014-03-01: Added a calculation and display of the callsign's "Available Date" to some web pages, due to the FCC's "30-day visibility" rule.
• 2014-02-03: Restored master DB server (#3) for searches, after SQL TRIGGER function improvements.
• 2014-01-22: Changed some predictions of callsign unavailability to certainty, due to the FCC's "30-day visibility" rule.
• 2014-01-20: Temporarily offlined the master DB server (#3) for searches, to improve performance of updates, pending a better solution.
• 2013-12-31: Added an APRS-IS data feed to
• 2013-12-18: Received a Yasme Foundation Excellence Award for this web site.
• 2013-10-17: Reloaded new FCC data after the FCC restored database access after the shutdown.
• 2013-10-01: All FCC web pages announced that, due to the USA Federal Government shutdown, all FCC online systems (including filing, granting, and searching of license applications) are not availabile.
• 2013-09-16: Removed links to VanityHQ, due to the announcement on VanityHQ that the site is closed.
• 2011-09-19: Notified the FCC that the "Special Condition" database file was apparently for a different radio service than Amateur Radio.
• 2011-09-18: The FCC created empty weekly database files for almost all services, including the Amateur Radio service.
• 2010-12-08: Replaced the custom bash/sed scripts (which used "named pipes" (FIFOs)), with a small (less than 1000 lines) Java program (using threads & queues), to provide for the queuing of data during network outages.
• 2010-11-11: Created, fed by a data feed from
• 2010-11-08: The FCC published R&O 10-189A amending US Title 47 CFR §97.19(c)(3) (effective 2010-11-02) to provide a "30-day visibility" period for canceled callsigns of deceased amateur radio licensees.
• 2010-10-28: Upgraded DB server #3 to be the master DB server, and the other DB servers to be slave DB servers, using the new internal DB replication feature of PostgreSQL v9.0, rather than the previous custom technique using external SQL command scripts.
• 2010-10-27: Upgraded the database servers to PostgreSQL v9.0.1.
• 2010-10-11: Display lat/long in DDD°MM'SS" format.
• 2010-09-09: Old computer parts were combined to make DB server #6.
• 2010-09-07: The previous web server (DB server #1) was found alive and well, and was relocated to become DB server #5.
• 2010-09-04: The web server was replaced by a virtual web server at a commercial VPS (virtual private server) facility.
• 2010-09-03: The web server (DB server #1) unceremoniously disappeared from the Internet today.
• 2010-07-27: Fixed repeater lookups by state.
• 2010-03-07: Replaced the power supply in the dead web/DB server, and reconfigured it as DB server #4.
• 2010-03-06: Updated the privacy policy and links to same.
• 2010-02-26: The web server (DB server #1) died unceremoniously today, and was replaced by DB server #4.
• 2010-01-30: Made calendar page easily printable.
• 2009-11-13: Fixed callsign region determination and validity problems after database design changes.
• 2009-11-05: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2009-11-04: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, and a confirmation eMail is received from the FCC, but no download eMail is ever received.
• 2009-10-20: Fixed several problems with state codes after database design changes.
• 2009-10-09: Notified the FCC that "'Former holder' review completed" ("VANCOM" codes) were not present in the downloadable data.
• 2009-09-15: The FCC began automatically offlining vanity applications that claim "former holder" status. While this caused applications processed on this date to be temporarily rejected by AE7Q servers, it is a welcome move.
• 2009-09-14: The FCC added new application status codes to allow vanity applications that claim "former holder" status to be offlined for manual review.
• 2009-09-01: Reinstalled web/DB server #1 at a local business Internet connection site.
• 2009-08-28: A personal visit to the "volunteer-maintained" local colocation facility revealed that the network cable to the web/DB server was unplugged. As a result of this discovery (and previous issues), the decision was made to instantly remove the server from the facility, pending a search for a new site.
• 2009-08-19: The web server (DB server #1) at the "volunteer-maintained" local colocation facility stopped responding to network requests (and requests for someone to check out the problem went unanswered). DB server #2 was temporarily reconfigured as web/DB server #1 (albeit with a loss of network access speed).
• 2009-08-05: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2009-08-03: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, and a confirmation eMail is received from the FCC, but no download eMail is ever received.
• 2009-07-30: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2009-07-29: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, and a confirmation eMail is received from the FCC, but no download eMail is ever received.
• 2009-07-12: Added callsign group counts by operator class to License summary page.
• 2009-05-15: Added links to HTML versions of bogus/suspect/irrelevant "former holder" application letters.
• 2009-03-24: Fixed poor performance after other changes.
• 2009-01-06: Fixed the maidenhead grid positioning on the Google map web page.
• 2009-01-04: Added a current 1x1 callsign map web page.
• 2008-12-24: Added support for Federal holidays through 2020.
• 2008-12-08: Added Google "StreetView" to the map web page.
• 2008-11-15: Fixed the Google map web page to use the current Google map (v2) API.
• 2008-10-02: Added FRN link to FCC CORES search page.
• 2008-09-09: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2008-09-04: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, and a confirmation eMail is received from the FCC, but no download eMail is ever received.
• 2008-06-23: Web queries of the ULS databases now produce downloadable files.
• 2008-06-22: Fixed lookups from handheld devices.
• 2008-06-19: Web queries of the ULS databases produce online results, but when those results are selected for download, an FCC web page assures that the results will be sent, but no confirmation or download eMails are ever received from the FCC.
• 2008-04-15: Due to the assignment of an in-use network (IP) address to server #1 by the "volunteer-maintained" local colocation facility, the server's IP address needed to be changed. As a result, server #1 was inaccessible until the update propagated throughout the Internet (typically several hours).
• 2008-04-12: Replaced server #1 with another Dell PowerEdge (dual core) server, installed at a "volunteer-maintained" local colocation facility.
• 2008-03-30: The Canadian license database is now updated every weekday morning.
• 2008-03-25: Added server #1 (the web server) as a database server, as a backup for when the connection to the other database servers is down.
• 2008-02-08: Bolded vanity callsigns on the "Available Callsigns" web page.
• 2008-02-07: Added vanity callsign counts for 1x2 & 2x1 callsigns.
• 2008-02-05: Upgraded the database servers to PostgreSQL v8.3.0.
• 2008-02-04: Added phonetic & Morse code weighting to callsign pages.
• 2008-01-29: Added links on the "Database" statistics web page, to current FCC downloadable data files, including queries.
• 2008-01-28: Fixed the display of the D-Star repeaters web page.
• 2008-01-24: Added the Maidenhead value (& Google map lookup) for Canadian callsigns.
• 2008-01-17: Added a display of the next query date/time.
• 2008-01-16: Fixed the "Available Callsigns" web page not listing never-assigned callsigns.
• 2008-01-14: Adjusted the FCC database query times, to query for license changes at approximately 02:10, 05:10, 09:10, 13:10, 17:10, & 21:10 ET, and stagger the query for application changes to approximately 03:25, 10:25, & 18:25 ET.
• 2008-01-12: Added a Canadian callsign summary web page.
• 2008-01-10: Server #4 was taken offline for most of the day while a defective disk sector was remapped and the databases were rebuilt. Database access was provided by the other redundant servers.
• 2008-01-07: Fixed the "Competing Applicants" web page.
• 2007-12-30: Now query the FCC database for license changes approximately every four hours (02:10, 06:10, 10:10, 14:10, 18:10 & 22:10 ET) and application changes approximately every eight hours (02:10, 10:10, & 18:10 ET), retrying hourly if necessary, rather than using more frequent queries.
• 2007-12-24: Added application lists to "Process Date" page.
• 2007-12-20: Added display of date/time for non-Javascript browsers. Javascript is now only required on the Maidenhead (Google map) web pages; all other web pages should now display properly on non-Javascript browsers. Javascript is now only needed on the main web page for installing the "browser lookup tools".
• 2007-12-17: Added the percentage of amateurs in each state/region to the "Regions" (map) web page.
• 2007-12-16: Moved New Hampshire & Vermont map labels to their correct positions, just in time for the 2008 Presidential primaries.
• 2007-12-13: Added the descriptions and display of data from all ULS record types. Added more detail to the database history page.
• 2007-12-12: Added a database history page.
• 2007-11-25: Removed the Payment Unknown prediction (since inactive applications provide the data).
• 2007-11-24: Added the automated download & display of inactive applications (those superceded by amendments).
• 2007-11-23: Compensated for multiple active applications per ULS File Number.
• 2007-11-22: Improved the information on several web pages about derived values.
• 2007-11-15: Added an application "receipt date" list to the "Grant Date" web page.
• 2007-11-11: Updated the "Calendar" page; added a lookup from the main web page.
• 2007-11-09: Added a "Calendar" web page, linked off the "License Statistics" page.
• 2007-10-27: Removed support for an obsolescent ULS callsign lookup page, that the FCC now no longer provides.
• 2007-10-26: The FCC stopped posting daily downloadable license update files. A reminder to them on 2007-10-30 got the process started again.
• 2007-10-16: Updated daily ULS file download procedure to try an HTTP download first, then revert to repeated FTP downloads. This should provide increased reliability in getting downloadable files (like when the FCC's FTP server is not promptly updated, like most of last week), while providing reduced bandwidth consumption when the ULS files are merely late (another common problem).
• 2007-10-05: Added the choice of sorting by date or count on the "Multiple applicants" web page.
• 2007-09-18: Replaced an intermittent test/backup database server (#4) with test/backup server #5.
• 2007-08-28: Added region callsign availability links on multiple web pages.
• 2007-08-23: Added a "Multiple applicants" web page.
• 2007-07-27: Reworked the "Applications by date" page to have more application detail, now that multiple applications are disallowed.
• 2007-07-18: Fixed bug in the "Region" page, caused by "internationalizing" portions of the database.
• 2007-07-12: Added links to process dates if not in the future.
• 2007-07-06: Added unpaid applications to the Duplicate prediction test, in accordance with current ULS software practice (now corresponding to FCC rule).
• 2007-07-05: Added region/state to more lists.
• 2007-07-04: Added protection against applicant typos (not filtered/rendered properly in ULS data) from affecting the AE7Q databases.
• 2007-07-03: Compensated for extra delimiter characters (specific applicant typo) not filtered/rendered properly in ULS data.
• 2007-06-29: Added region/state to license lists.
• 2007-06-26: Compensated for extra delimiter characters (specific applicant typo) not filtered/rendered properly in ULS data.
• 2007-06-01: Per FCC ULS alert notice, none of yesterday's applications have been posted. FTP downloads from the FCC ULS site now work.
• 2007-05-31: FTP downloads from the FCC ULS site no longer work. Downloaded today's daily ULS updates using HTTP downloads.
• 2007-05-22: Fixed issue with database server #5 not reporting complete data.
• 2007-05-11: Made country ordering consistent.
• 2007-05-08: Fixed bugs in the repeater and license summary pages, caused by "internationalizing" portions of the database.
• 2007-04-30: Added a complete D-Star repeater page.
• 2007-03-16: Replaced the aging Fedora Core 1 web server (#1) with test/backup server #6, a newer Dell PowerEdge (dual core) server, installed at WorldLink, another local colocation facility.
• 2007-03-13: The FCC's ULS FTP server is now working again. Reverted back to FTP downloads.
• 2007-03-11: Colorized the dates on this news page.
• 2007-03-10: After the "FCC maintenance" on this date, FTP downloads from the FCC ULS site no longer work. Reverted back to HTTP downloads.
• 2007-03-06: Added explanations for derived fields.
• 2007-03-02: Fixed "no-code" dates for WPM calculation.
• 2007-02-28: Reformatted server/database status table on main page; added "Latest payment date".
• 2007-02-27: Added "receipt date" & "vanity type" links to the "Application Detail" page.
• 2007-02-25: The web server (including the message board) was down for several hours due to a configuration error.
• 2007-02-24: Added an application prediction colorization to pending application lists.
• 2007-02-23: The FCC removed the code speed requirement for all amateur radio licenses.
• 2007-02-21: Added an "adaptive predictive fail-over" algorithm to the database server load-balancing algorithm.
• 2007-02-20: Removed unpaid applications from the Duplicate prediction test, in accordance with current ULS software practice (as opposed to FCC rule).
• 2007-02-19: Added "fail-over" to the database server load-balancing algorithm. A failed database server request will automaticallly be retransmitted to the next available database server after a few seconds.
• 2007-02-18: Switched back to using FTP downloads of ULS data to eliminate repetitive downloads. Database data has occasionally been unavailable during this transition.
• 2007-02-15: Updated the "Pending Statistics" page to group predictions by primary prediction.
• 2007-02-14: Updated the "Predictions" page to group predictions by primary prediction. Expanded the Duplicate prediction.
• 2007-02-13: Updated predictions to not report a prediction of Inactive on callsigns canceled on the current date.
• 2007-02-12: The FCC completed processing all backlogged vanity applications.
• 2007-02-08: The FCC began processing backlogged vanity applications that were previously suspended due to ULS software changes necessary to properly handle the new US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1) rule restricting multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications.
• 2007-02-07: Temporarily added three additional database servers (#4, #5, & #6) for testing/backup purposes.
• 2007-01-24: Replaced servers #2 & #3 (the primary database servers) with two new Dell PowerEdge (dual core 2.8GHz) servers running CentOS 4.4 and PostgreSQL v8.1.4.
• 2007-01-16: Changed the default date for license grant queries.
• 2007-01-10: The FCC restored the "Vanity Type" (eligibility) code in some more ULS license records (about 6000) that had been inadvertently deleted by subsequent updates.
• 2007-01-07: Updated daily ULS queries to compensate for the FCC transmitting dozens of zero-length files.
• 2007-01-05: ULS processing of all vanity applications is suspended, due to the inability of the ULS software to properly handle the new US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1) rule restricting multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications.
• 2007-01-04: Expanded the Inactive prediction.
• 2007-01-03: Summarized Duplicate & Offlined by FCC predictions.
• 2006-12-29: Added "Applicant error" comment as appropriate in prediction explanations.
• 2006-12-28: Fixed erroneous "Repeater" page link.
• 2006-12-27: Changed Current Callsign prediction to Applicant Callsign.
• 2006-12-18: Added Current Callsign prediction.
• 2006-12-15: The FCC's R&O 06-149 amending US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1) to restrict multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications, becomes effective.
• 2006-12-13: Updated "Licensee ID" & "FCC Registration Number" pages to include applications from non-licensees (attempted identity theft).
• 2006-12-10: Updated daily ULS queries to compensate for an FCC web page format change (removal of 'E - Eliminate' status).
• 2006-12-07: Fixed erroneously including Canadian territories in some state lists.
• 2006-11-30: Web site access was offline from 13:15 ET until 14:25 ET due to colocation facility equipment misconfiguration.
• 2006-11-27: Updated daily ULS queries to compensate for an FCC web page format change (addition of 'E - Eliminate' status).
• 2006-11-25: Added "Repeater ID" to repeater lists when different from callsign.
• 2006-11-24: Database access was intermittent today due to firewall swapping, and the fact that Verizon doesn't run a properly configured DHCP server: a change of an Internet MAC address means a downtime of 1-2 hours until the prior DHCP lease expires. Access to the message board (server #1) was not affected.
• 2006-11-22: The FCC restored the "Vanity Type" (eligibility) code in some (but not all) ULS license records (about 7000) that had been inadvertently deleted by subsequent updates.
• 2006-11-15: The FCC published R&O 06-149 in the Federal Register, amending US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1) to restrict multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications (effective 2006-12-15).
• 2006-11-10: Database access was offline from 14:00 ET until 16:00 ET, due to an extended local power outage. The callsign databases were temporarily re-deployed on server #1, but not before the normal database servers (#2 & #3) had to be shut down. All servers have backup power from both UPSes and emergency generators, but the generator for the normal database servers require a person in attendance for periodic refueling. Access to the message board (server #1) was not affected.
• 2006-11-06: Added Canadian callsign database & lookup.
• 2006-11-05: Added new "Repeater Statistics" page.
• 2006-11-02: Add entire band repeater lookup by state, and filtering by Internet linkability (IRLP, EchoLink, D-Star).
• 2006-11-01: Added IRLP, EchoLink, & D-Star repeaters.
• 2006-10-31: Enhanced queries to be able to query for ULS data processed on arbitrary dates, in order to handle extended ULS query/download failures.
• 2006-10-30: The ULS data for applications originally scheduled to be processed in the early morning of 2006-10-28 were processed on 2006-10-29, and can now be downloaded from ULS queries. The data has been added to the AE7Q database.
• 2006-10-27: Renamed application "Result" to "Application Status" in application lists.
• 2006-10-26: Database access was intermittent from 07:15 ET until 11:45 ET due to a power supply failure in server #3 (the database server used on each database access is selected in a "round-robin" load-balancing algorithm). Swapped the hard drives between server boxes #3 & #4 (see 2006-08-07 below). Access to the message board (server #1) was not affected.
• 2006-10-22: Fixed multiple application detection for clubs.
• 2006-10-21: Fixed repeater listing on "Call History" page.
• 2006-10-19: Compensated for blank "Vanity Type" fields.
• 2006-10-18: Added Payment Unknown prediction.
• 2006-10-17: Updated predictions to match "FCC offlined" records w/ "FCC review completed" history records.
• 2006-10-16: Sorted prediction lists by color.
• 2006-10-14: Enhanced interim prediction reporting.
• 2006-10-12: Added site navigation header to all pages.
• 2006-10-11: Added Duplicate prediction for implementation of US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1).
• 2006-10-10: The FCC released R&O 06-149 amending US Title 47 CFR §97.19(d)(1) to restrict multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications (effective 2006-12-15).
• 2006-10-07: Remapped the links in the letters AE7Q.
• 2006-10-06: Added Not Deceased prediction for "relative of deceased" & "in memoriam" applications. Included "Vanity Type" code in explanation of vanity types.
• 2006-09-26: Upgraded the database servers to Fedora Core 5 and PostgreSQL v8.1.4.
• 2006-09-12: Remapped the links in the letters AE7Q. Added the AE7Q mapping explanation to the main page.
• 2006-09-03: Enhanced repeater access code display. Added repeaters to handheld callsign lookup. Added frequency links to repeater lists.
• 2006-08-26: Added repeater lookup by frequency. Data courtesy of UsRepeaters.Com.
• 2006-08-23: Added "Message Board" link to home page. Made "callsign group" fields more specific.
• 2006-08-17: Enhanced handheld device handling. Removed frames from "Message Board" pages.
• 2006-08-16: Added new "" site (no "www") for callsign lookups on handheld computers & web-enabled cellphones.
• 2006-08-11: Added new "Regions" page. Distinguish between callsign, ULS, and geographical (based on state) region numbers.
• 2006-08-10: Added "Action Type" to the "Grants by Date" page, vanity license fee schedule to the "Vanity Application Notes" page.
• 2006-08-09: Remapped the links in the letters AE7Q to provide a link to the "Vanity Application Notes" page.
• 2006-08-08: Changed forms to be Pocket PC compatible.
• 2006-08-07: Database access was offline from 17:00 ET until 20:00 ET due to hard disk problems on server #4, since this machine was also the firewall for the three (redundant) database servers. The firewall was replaced, and server #4 has been decommissioned. Access to the message board (server #1) was not affected.
• 2006-08-04: Changed "Zip Data" page to list current licensees.
• 2006-08-03: Added new "License Statistics" page.
• 2006-08-02: Added latest sequential callsign assignments to the "Available Callsigns" pages.
• 2006-07-27: Compensated for garbage data in ULS downloads.
• 2006-07-26: Web site access was offline from 16:45 ET until 17:25 ET due to colocation facility equipment failure.
• 2006-07-22: Now query the FCC database for changes eight times a day: around 02:10, 04:10, 07:10, 12:10, 15:10, 17:10, & 19:10 ET, and shortly after whenever the FCC posts its daily transaction files (usually around 09:10 ET).
• 2006-07-20: Added reason for restricted callsigns on "Call History" page. Flag unused 2x3 callsign formats as unassigned.
• 2006-07-19: Clarified vanity filing requirements.
• 2006-07-18: Enabled automated processing of large ULS query downloads; detect ULS query file errors by file size.
• 2006-07-12: Allowed Google map lookup of partial Maidenhead values.
• 2006-07-11: Re-added FRN/Licensee ID table headings & cross-reference links on "FRN" & "Licensee ID" pages.
• 2006-07-08: Updated links to the FCC WTB (Wireless Transportation Bureau)/amateur web pages, to conform to FCC URL changes.
• 2006-07-06: Fixed obscure bug in subsequent assignment detection on "Manual Cancellations" page.
• 2006-07-02: Added event callsign lookup & lists. Remove some empty lists.
• 2006-06-30: Added callsign country decoding for non-USA callsigns.
• 2006-06-27: Made all offsite links open a new browser window.
• 2006-06-23: Removed most FRN/Licensee ID table headings & cross-reference links on "FRN", "Licensee ID", & "Call History" pages.
• 2006-06-21: Added "action type" to the "Manual Cancellations" page.
• 2006-06-13: Now query the FCC database for changes seven times a day: around 02:10, 04:10, 07:10, 12:10, 15:10, & 17:10 ET, and shortly after whenever the FCC posts its daily transaction files (usually around 09:10 ET).
• 2006-05-30: Added max sequence number to some pending application lists.
• 2006-05-09: Added vanity relationship to application lists by type.
• 2006-05-02: Improved restricted region checking. Added state codes to region values in application lists.
• 2006-03-07: Now query the FCC database for changes six times a day: around 04:10, 07:10, 12:10, 15:10, & 17:10 ET, and shortly after whenever the FCC posts its daily transaction files (usually around 09:10 ET).
• 2006-02-28: Added FRN or Licensee ID links to entity names.
• 2006-02-17: Added FRN/Licensee ID table headings & cross-reference links on "FRN", "Licensee ID", & "Call History" pages. Added Maidenhead info to the "Application Detail" page.
• 2006-02-16: Now query the FCC database for changes five times a day: around 04:10, 07:10, 12:10, & 17:10 ET, and shortly after whenever the FCC posts its daily transaction files (usually around 09:10 ET).
• 2006-02-14: Improved updating/matching of pre-ULS data to current ULS data.
• 2006-02-13: Added callsign detail links to the "Great Circle Path" page.
• 2006-02-12: Added Google map (v1) lookup by Maidenhead value.
• 2006-02-07: Added VHQ map lookups to web page headers.
• 2006-02-05: Made examples specific to region on the "Available Callsigns" pages.
• 2006-02-04: Added "attention" line to license reference copy, per FCC practice.
• 2006-02-02: Added sorting option to the "Multiple Clubs" page.
• 2006-02-01: Added "Region Count" and "1x2 & 2x1 Callsigns" count columns to the "Multiple Clubs" page.
• 2006-01-31: Changed the "reserved region" prediction test to apply to ALL application types, per current FCC/ULS practice.
• 2006-01-18: Change all time references to 24-hour notation.
• 2006-01-15: Added callsign prefixes & reserved regions to the "callsign summary" on the "Available Callsigns" pages.
• 2006-01-13: Now query the FCC database for changes five times a day: around 03:10, 07:10, 12:10, & 17:10 ET, and shortly after whenever the FCC posts its daily transaction files (usually around 09:10 ET).
• 2006-01-10: The FCC completed processing the backlog of vanity applications.
• 2006-01-09: Added a "License Grants" (by date) page.
• 2006-01-06: The FCC began processing the backlog of vanity applications.
• 2006-01-05: Removed the disaster "Grace Period Extension" page.
• 2006-01-04: The FCC canceled all outstanding (6000+) expired callsigns, in preparation for resumption of vanity application processing.
• 2005-12-19: The FCC announces that vanity application processing will resume on 2006-01-04.
• 2005-12-06: Renamed archival data to "pre-ULS".
• 2005-11-30: The FCC Katrina hurricane disaster area extension has expired. Vanity applications received between 2005-08-29 and 2005-10-22 could be processed by the FCC at any time. However, vanity applications received between 2005-10-23 and 2005-12-22 are still suspended due to the Wilma hurricane disaster area extension.
• 2005-11-21: The FCC Rita hurricane disaster area extension has expired. However, vanity applications received between 2005-08-29 and 2005-11-29 are still suspended due to the Katrina hurricane disaster area extension; vanity applications received between 2005-10-23 and 2005-12-22 are still suspended due to the Wilma hurricane disaster area extension.
• 2005-10-31: The FCC announces the further extension of all filing deadlines between 2005-08-29 and 2005-11-29, until 2005-11-30, for all applicants in the Katrina hurricane disaster area.
• 2005-10-25: The FCC announces the extension of all filing deadlines between 2005-10-23 and 2005-12-21, until 2005-12-22, for all applicants in the Wilma hurricane disaster area.
• 2005-10-19: Incrementally display most web pages. Added a disaster "Grace Period Extension" page.
• 2005-10-16: Upgraded the database servers to PostgreSQL v8.0.4.
• 2005-10-08: Expanded information in tooltips.
• 2005-10-04: Added daily (04:00 ET) automated pre-ULS update of FRNs & Licensee IDs. As amateurs renew & are assigned FRNs, this will allow their ULS data to be linked to their pre-ULS data. In turn, this will make the WPM calculation more accurate.
• 2005-09-30: Added a "total" row to the "Available Callsigns" pages.
• 2005-09-29: Added an explicit disclaimer that just because I list those with multiple applications, callsigns, or clubs, doesn't mean that I endorse the practice.
• 2005-09-27: Added the latest FCC vanity grant date (i.e., the last ULS batch run) to the main lookup page. Colorized late FCC download & processing dates.
• 2005-09-26: The FCC has suspended granting any vanity applications, due to the postponement of all filing deadlines (including renewals) for affected amateurs living in the hurricane disaster areas. See the Uls issues forum on the message board for a discussion of the details.
• 2005-09-24: The FCC announces the extension of all filing deadlines between 2005-09-20 and 2005-11-20, until 2005-11-21, for all applicants in the Rita hurricane disaster area.
• 2005-09-22: Reduced sizes of icons in text, to improve paragraph formatting & readabilty.
• 2005-09-18: Added callsigns to the available callsign lists that have not been renewed by 60 days before the expiration date.
• 2005-09-17: Upgraded the database servers to PostgreSQL v7.4.8.
• 2005-09-15: Converted most Inactive Applicant predictions to Unneeded (Inactive).
• 2005-09-14: Improved the rendering speed of the main lookup page.
• 2005-09-12: Changed the database status display to show times in the user's time zone. Requires Javascript.
• 2005-09-10: Changed the coloration on the "Applications By" list to reflect the result.
• 2005-09-08: Moved prediction summary to the main lookup page, revised the layout.
• 2005-09-06: Compensated for the FCC deleting the callsigns from some offlined applications.
• 2005-09-05: Converted all tables to use a small set of common styles, so the "look & feel" can be easily changed.
• 2005-09-04: Added "1x2 & 2x1 callsign summary statistics" to the main lookup page.
• 2005-09-03: Added "latest ULS action dates" to the database status on the main lookup page.
• 2005-09-02: Added "1x2 & 2x1 callsign summary statistics" to the regional lists.
• 2005-09-01: The FCC announces the extension of all filing deadlines between 2005-08-29 and 2005-10-30, until 2005-10-31, for all applicants in the Katrina hurricane disaster area. The availability of expired & canceled callsigns and/or vanity callsign processing may be affected by this announcement.
• 2005-08-31: Added a "result" column to the multiple applications list.
• 2005-08-30: The FCC has resumed the daily posting (around 08:30 ET) of both license & application data files. The license data download of the FCC's weekly replacement files (normally available by 06:00 ET on Sunday) was posted around 15:30 ET today.
• 2005-08-29: The application data download of the FCC's weekly replacement files (normally available by 06:00 ET on Sunday) was posted around 10:30 ET today. The weekly license data download has not yet been posted for any of the FCC's radio services. However, the automated ULS queries that AE7Q servers perform each day apparently continue to retrieve current and accurate data.
• 2005-08-28: A manual query/download of the ULS application database seems to have corrected the erroneous data from 2005-08-26.
• 2005-08-27: The FCC did not process applications overnight as scheduled. Today's license data download file is missing.
• 2005-08-26: Yet another FCC screw-up. The 2005-08-26 application data download file containing 2005-08-24's application data posted to the ULS on 2005-08-25, incorrectly showed all Pending applications as Granted. The 2005-08-26 license data download file is missing.
• 2005-08-16: Removed non-vanity pending applications from the pending application lists. These are usually applications that have been offlined by the FCC for enforcement or other manual action, and there were getting to be too many of them.
• 2005-08-08: Improved the reference copy layout & look (removed beveled lines).
• 2005-08-04: Converted all web pages to validated XHTML 1.0 (check the validation icon/link at the bottom of each page).
• 2005-08-01: Updated font selection on the "License Reference Copy Generator" page. Users of Internet Explorer v6.0 or later will now see all fonts on the user's system listed. Requires Javascript.
• 2005-07-29: The FCC's 2nd conversion this month to its new database record formats (scheduled for this weekend) has started, and queries for current data produce confirmation from the FCC of data forthcoming, but no data is ever sent.
• 2005-07-28: Reworked web page navigation; clicking on the 7  in the AE7Q callsign now takes you to the message board.
• 2005-07-21: The web site has been moved to the new domains (for database data) and (for the message board & other data).
• 2005-07-18: The FCC's weekly replacement download files, usually available early Sunday morning were not available until today (license data at 10:30 ET, application data at 17:30 ET), requiring yet more manual intervention.
• 2005-07-16: This week's application data was reloaded because today's (Saturday) download from the FCC contained LAST Saturday's data (thus reviving old applications that had been processed this week).
• 2005-07-12: There continue to be hiccups and changes in the format of the FCC database records, but so far, this site reflects current and accurate data.
• 2005-07-11: The FCC has not provided downloadable application data files for receipt dates since 2005-07-06. However, since AE7Q servers perform active ULS queries each day, they continue to have current and apparently accurate data.
• 2005-07-10: The FCC's conversion to its new database record formats (scheduled for this weekend) produced files that did not agree with the FCC's two documents describing the new formats (which also did not agree with eath other). By manual examination of FCC data for broadcast licensees, I was able to partially determine the actual format, sufficient for processing of amateur data.
• 2005-07-03: Added "Operator Class" to application lists, folded application "Source" to under the ULS file number.
• 2005-06-29: Compensated for "Pending 1" applications as "Pending 2".
• 2005-06-22: Moved the message board database to the web server for improved performance.
• 2005-06-16: Added a "Code Proficiency" WPM determination to the "Callsign Detail" pages.
• 2005-06-02: Italicized changed fields on the "Application Detail" page.
• 2005-05-25: Added a ULS application database query each day around 18:00 ET.
• 2005-05-22: Redesigned the "Manual Cancellations" page, which is now linked off the main lookup page.
• 2005-05-21: Added a ULS license database query each day around 18:00 ET.
• 2005-05-20: Updated the weeknight (02:00 ET) ULS application database query due to FCC web page changes.
• 2005-05-10: Combined the "Application History" & "Callsign History" pages.
• 2005-05-09: Fully automated the weeknight (02:00 ET) ULS database queries. Updated links to new "FCC application detail" pages.
• 2005-04-11: Compensated for the FCC's weekly download files not including data with a last action date of 2005-04-09.
• 2005-04-08: Updated the prediction algorithm for Inactive Applicant and Taken cases.
• 2005-04-07: Added a callsign search plugin for Mozilla's browser. Requires Javascript.
• 2005-03-24: Tighted up time zone compensations in date calculations.
• 2005-03-22: Display FCC Licensee IDs in the Monaco font.
• 2005-03-20: Updated the prediction algorithm to reject all reserved callsign assignments, even from so-called "Former Holders".
• 2005-03-18: Updated callsign links in application lists to refer to the applicant's "Licensee ID" page, as that is usually of more interest.
• 2005-03-13: Changed/removed usage of "granted", "awarded", & "assigned" to be consistent with FCC terminology, and updated the prediction algorithm to distinguish between Assignment (a prediction) and Assigned (a fact).
• 2005-03-07: Converted "instant link" buttons to a new style.
• 2005-03-02: Added a "Multiple Applications" comment page, linked from the "Vanity Application" comment page.
• 2005-03-01: Fixed lists of recently canceled callsigns to account for terminated callsigns.
• 2005-02-28: Bolded applicant callsigns assigned as vanity callsigns.
• 2005-02-26: Modified the privacy policy to include the message board.
• 2005-02-24: Moved users (with known callsigns) and all messages from the Yahoo! "VanityCallsigns" group to the phpBB message board.
• 2005-02-20: Installed phpBB as a trial message board.
• 2005-02-18: Added a "Generate reference copy" button on the "Callsign Detail" page, and changed the meaning of bolded on the "Available Callsigns" page.
• 2005-02-17: Changed  buttons to  or   buttons.
• 2005-02-14: Updated the prediction algorithm to not mark applications as unpaid if the FCC is not processing payments.
• 2005-02-13: Added a to each "Click here" line.
• 2005-02-11: The results of the weeknight (02:00 ET) manual ULS database queries are now applied immediately (around 02:10 ET), without waiting to apply the FCC's downloadable files first (around 08:10 ET).
• 2005-02-08: Cosmetic changes: Colored field name backgrounds, added ULS lookup buttons.
• 2005-02-04: Split the text of each lookup page into two columns.
• 2005-02-02: Changed Unpaid predictions to Unpaid (Late) and created a replacement prediction of Unpaid for applications unpaid within ten days of the receipt date.
• 2005-01-31: Completed the integration of pre-ULS (1988–1998) & ULS data on web pages: Moved the callsign detail from the "Callsign History" page to a new "Callsign Detail" page, and inserted a callsign summary list (which now includes pre-ULS records) in its place.
• 2005-01-30: Removed FCC codes from descriptions on all but the "License Detail" & "Application Detail" pages. Added ZIP code lookup & SGIN (SubGroup Id Number) to the "License Detail" & "Application Detail" pages. Added lookup by FRN & Licensee ID to the main lookup page.
• 2005-01-29: Added "pre-ULS (1988–1998) license data" to the "FRN history" & "Licensee ID History" pages.
• 2005-01-28: Added links to the FCC ULS glossary on the "Help" (explanations) page.
• 2005-01-27: Added a "Licensee ID History" page.
• 2005-01-25: FCC System Alert notice: Added code to eliminate a massive number of duplicate application records caused by another FCC database problem. From an FCC eMail: "We are aware of the duplicate row problem within the history records of the applications. Our programmers are working to find how or why the system added the duplicate rows to applications."
• 2005-01-24: Obtained a 1U rack mount server, moved the web server and most other non-database server functions to it, and installed it at a local colocation facility (FiberCloud).
• 2005-01-23: Added an estimate of the validity of applications claiming "Former Holder" status, to the "Vanity Type" page.
• 2005-01-22: Added a "pending application list" to the "FRN History" page. Added predictions to the "Application Detail" page.
• 2005-01-21: All ordering by callsign now sorts by callsign digit first.
• 2005-01-19: Color-coded the license status in several lists. Created an alternate (test) web site.
• 2005-01-18: Color-coded the result of applications in several lists, and expanded the explanation of dates.
• 2005-01-11: Color-coded the number of applications in the list of applications by date.
• 2004-12-30: Added a "Manual Cancellations" page.
• 2004-12-11: Moved server functions that require an Internet-visible, fixed IP address (DNS, SMTP, HTTP, NTP) to an off-site dedicated server at a hosting company (ValueWeb, an excellent deal), devoting three local servers as (redundant) database servers. This will save over $100/month, and give improved network & database performance as well.
• 2004-12-07: has added a link to this site, along with user ratings of this site, where you can add your rating.
• 2004-11-24: Moved non-database-related server functions (DNS, SMTP (mail), NTP, DHCP, LDAP, etc) to a fourth server (IBM PS/2 8595 w/ Pentium processor complex) and converted the third server (Athlon XP2000+, 512 MB RAM, 250 GB hard disk) to a second (redundant) database server. All four servers are running RedHat/Fedora Linux.
• 2004-11-10: The FCC has rescinded the 2004-11-05 alert notice below, and resumed processing Amateur applications.
• 2004-11-07: Removed temporary change (see below, 2004-11-02) that ignored action codes of "Offlined for Alert List Review" in applications after 2004-10-28, as this FCC problem now appears to be fixed.
• 2004-11-05: FCC System Alert notice: "The granting of Amateur applications has been temporarily suspended. We apologize for the inconvenience."
• 2004-11-04: Manually added the action codes for the FCC's "Red Light Review" actions, since the FCC began including them in application history data on 2004-11-01. The FCC announced updated action code files, but they are not yet available on the FCC site.
• 2004-11-03: Added a "callsign availability note" at the top of the "Callsign History" page for non-active callsigns.
• 2004-11-02: Temporary change to ignore action codes of "Offlined for Alert List Review" in applications after 2004-10-28. From an FCC eMail: "ULS has generated an erroneous alert list action for all filings with receipt dates of 10/29/04 and later. We are researching to correct the issue and the applications effected (sic) will be corrected. The clean-up will include auto granting of the appropriate applications. At this time we can not provide exact time-frame for the clean up to be completed. We apologize for the inconvenience."
• 2004-10-31: Moved non-database-related server functions (DNS, SMTP (mail), NTP, DHCP, LDAP, etc) to a third server (Athlon XP2000+, 512 MB RAM, 250 GB hard disk).
• 2004-10-28: Added a "privacy policy" link at the bottom of each page.
• 2004-10-24: Added a "Silent Key Callsign Harvesting" informational page.
• 2004-10-23: Changed the pre-ULS database to reflect the "As Of Date" rather than "Database Year".
• 2004-10-22: Rearranged the lookup page for a more compact look (less scrolling).
• 2004-10-19: Michael Carroll publicly announces that Vanity HQ will no longer be updated.
• 2004-10-18: Created a Yahoo! Group called "VanityCallsigns", for the discussion of issues relating to FCC amateur radio vanity callsigns.
• 2004-10-15: Moved the web server to a faster connection. This should improve access & download speed, especially for license reference copies.
• 2004-10-09: Added "non-vanity pending applications" to the pending application lists. These are usually applications that have been offlined by the FCC for enforcement or other manual action.
• 2004-10-06: Enhanced the vanity application type page to show vanity callsigns & predictions.
• 2004-10-05: Added Taken to the list of possible predictions.
• 2004-10-02: Added original receipt date to amended & withdrawn applications in the lists on the "Callsign History" & "FRN History" pages.
• 2004-10-01: Added a "Vanity Application Type" page that is linked from a new vanity application type summary on the "Pending" page.
• 2004-09-30: Included amendments and withdrawals in the types of applications retrieved in the weeknight (02:00 ET) ULS database queries.
• 2004-09-29: Added an indication of pending applications on the "Available Callsign" pages.
• 2004-09-28: Added the "licensee administrative history" to the "Callsign History" page.
• 2004-09-25: Expanded the "help" (explanations)page by moving the predictions key to it, and adding additional material. Added hyperlinks to the "Help" (explanations) page as necessary.
• 2004-09-24: Added an "Application Detail" page, which contains a link to the FCC's "ULS application" pages. Pages that used to link directly to the FCC's "ULS application" pages, now link to this new page.
• 2004-09-23: Added Offlined by FCC to the list of possible predictions.
• 2004-09-22: Upgraded the database servers to PostgreSQL v7.4.5.
• 2004-09-21: Changed the "Available Callsign" pages to use color-coding to denote availability.
• 2004-09-21: Split Too Early predictions into Too Early (Canceled) and Too Early (Expired); the latter are potentially eligible for Silent Key cancellation.
• 2004-09-20: The computation of the predicted application processing date now takes Federal holidays into account.
• 2004-09-19: Applications for callsigns granted within the last month are now predicted as Too Late rather than Active Callsign.
• 2004-09-17: Added a "ZIP code lookup" to the main lookup page.
• 2004-09-15: Added Pending to the list of possible predictions.
• 2004-09-14: Added a list of states to each page list of available callsigns.
• 2004-09-09: Added the original application purpose to application history lists.
• 2004-09-06: Removed off-site callsign lookups from most pages; off-site lookups can still be done by doing an on-site callsign lookup and then clicking on the desired off-site link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
• 2004-09-04: Added a pre-ULS (1988–1998) "Callsign History" page, accessed from the main "Callsign History" page.
• 2004-08-30: Added WM (military recreation) to the list of reserved 2x3 callsign prefixes (see FCC Call Sign Availability Call Sign Availability).
• 2004-08-28: Restructured database updates so that new components are completely created before deleting the corresponding old ones. This means that there should be no periods when the database is not accessible due to database updates.
• 2004-08-25: Improved callsign history page performance. Added ULS file number to application data.
• 2004-08-24: Added links on the "Callsign History" & "Application History" pages to offsite callsign lookups. This allows for quicker lookups of information I don't keep or display (eg, birthdays).
• 2004-08-19: Created separate pages for available callsigns that are geographically restricted (regions 11-13).
• 2004-08-17: Added county and Maidenhead Grid Square data to "Callsign History" page.
• 2004-08-10: Added semi-automated weeknight (02:00 ET) ULS database queries (schedule & FCC resources permitting) for new license & vanity application data. Most local database data will now be only one Federal workday old. Hopefully, this process can be fully automated sometime in the future.
• 2004-08-09: Added "application purpose" to "application history" lists.
• 2004-08-08: Added "callsign validation & restrictions" info to the "Callsign History" and "Application History" pages.
• 2004-08-07: Added WC (civil defense), WK (club), WR (repeater), & WT (temporary) to the list of reserved 2x3 callsign prefixes (see FCC Call Sign Availability Call Sign Availability).
• 2004-08-05: Added "expected processing date" to pages with pending applications listed.
• 2004-07-27: Added the ability to see Silent Key cancellations on the "Available Callsigns" pages.
• 2004-07-13: Updated the "License Generator" page to include an optional light blue watermark.
• 2004-06-04: Color-coded predictions.
• 2004-05-13: Switched to using HTTP downloads of FCC database files, due to recent problems with the FCC's FTP server not containing current files.
• 2004-04-21: Added "method of filing" to application lists.
• 2004-04-19: Refined the prediction categories.
• 2004-04-18: Added ditto marks to tables, and FCC icons to FCC links.
• 2004-04-17: Added links to the FCC's active callsign database on the "History" pages. This makes it easy to check the status of a newly-assigned callsign, before the FCC's updated files are downloaded a day later.
• 2004-04-16: Improved the prediction algorithm, and removed it from "experimental" status.
• 2004-04-15: The FCC released NPRM (WT Docket) 04-140, which included a proposal to restrict multiple same-day-same-applicant vanity applications.
• 2004-04-15: Summarized data on the "Pending" pages.
• 2004-04-12: Added a "prediction summary" to the "Pending" page.
• 2004-04-08: Added tooltips to most links.
• 2004-04-04: Added payment info to the "Application Data" pages.
• 2004-04-02: Moved the trustee lookup data to the "Callsign History" page.
• 2004-03-26: Added a "lists of pending applications by prediction" page.
• 2004-03-21: Combined several lookup pages, and added a "trustee lookup" page.
• 2004-03-20: Added a "Pending" page and expanded the "Prediction" pages.
• 2004-03-17: Added an "experimental" prediction capability (written in SQL) to the lists of applications by date.
• 2004-03-13: Added a "list of applications by date" page. The date can be most any reasonable date reference.
• 2004-03-11: Added a "Multiple Applications" page for licensees with several callsign applications.
• 2004-03-09: Added automated backup to preserve the previous week's FCC files, to be used in case the FCC posts corrupted files (like happened this week).
• 2004-02-27: All callsigns in lists should now be displayed in a fixed-pitch font. If you have the Apple "Monaco" font installed (also on most Windows systems), you will see an ASCII "zero" display in callsigns as a slashed zero glyph. Otherwise, the "Lucida console" or "Courier" font will be used.
• 2004-02-26: Added a "list of applications by FRN (FCC Registration Number)" page.
• 2004-02-24: Added "multiple callsigns list" for licensees with several callsign records.
• 2004-02-23: Added this "News" page.
• 2004-02-22: Added a basic "Help" page for obtaining a vanity callsign.
• 2004-02-21: Added an "Available Callsigns" page.
• 2004-02-17: Added an "Applications by Callsign" page.
• 2004-02-15: Began enhancing the web interface for license and vanity application callsign lookups, after an announcement on VanityHQ that the site might go off the air and/or not be regularly updated.
• 2004-01-25: Upgraded the database and web servers to two AMD Athlon XP2000+ machines with 512 MB RAM and 160 GB hard disk each. Database loads that used to take over an hour now take about four minutes!
• 2003-11-25: Upgraded the database and web servers to Fedora Core 1 and PostgreSQL v7.3.4.
• 2003-05-09: Created FCC look-alike license generator using PHP under Apache.
• 2003-05-07: Created a basic web interface for license and vanity application callsign lookups.
• 2003-05-04: Automated periodic downloads from the FCC's FTP server and imports of Amateur Radio license & application data into the database.
• 2003-04-28: Installed PostgreSQL v7.3.2 on a Pentium 233 with 96 MB running RedHat Linux v7.0. PostgreSQL was chosen over MySQL because, as of this writing, MySQL doesn't have SQL VIEWs or subqueries, both of which are necessary in any serious database.
• 2000-04-15: The FCC reduced the code speed requirement to 5 WPM, & allows only new Technician, General, and Amateur Extra licenses.
• 1999-08-15: The FCC converted its license and application data to the ULS database system.
• 1997-12-02: FCC vanity callsign application gate 4: Everyone.
• 1997-08-06: FCC vanity callsign application gate 3: Advanced.
• 1996-09-23: FCC vanity callsign application gate 2: Amateur Extra.
• 1996-07-22: FCC vanity callsign application gate 1A: In memoriam (club).
• 1996-05-31: FCC vanity callsign application gate 1: Former holders & relatives of deceased.
• 1995-09-21: The FCC issued MO&O 95-402 amending US Title 47 CFR §97.19 to implement the vanity call sign system.
• 1993-12-29: The FCC issued NPRM (PR Docket) 93-305 proposing the vanity callsign system.
• 1991-02-14: The FCC allowed codeless Technician licenses.
• 1978-03-24: The FCC created callsign groups A–D, and begins issuing 2x1 callsigns (A, N, K, W prefixes, in that order).
• 1968-11-22: The FCC created the "Incentive Licensing" system.

I am not your vanity application private consultant! Private messages (regardless of whether you feel there is a special reason for your application) on these and associated topics will be ignored, rebuffed, and/or made public.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the AE7Q message board. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application process. I've created a message board,where I and others have publicly answered very common questions, so that we don't have to repeatedly answer them, particularly in private communications.

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